
Alliance for Community 和 Equity (ACE) Summit

Inaugural Alliance for Community 和 Equity (ACE) Summit 


Mount Union大学 Campus
7:45 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 

Mount Union大学将主办社区与公平联盟(ACE)峰会. 本届峰会的重点是克服不平等,构建包容的共同体. The summit provides an opportunity to discuss strategies, 框架, 以及可以付诸行动的项目,以加强机构和组织的氛围和文化. 这个活动是免费的,但是欢迎捐款来支持Mount Union的DEIB项目. 

对峰会的反应非常积极,因此,我们已经达到了能力. 报名截止.


  1. 概述

    Mount Union大学将主办社区与公平联盟(ACE)峰会. 本届峰会的重点是克服不平等现象,建设包容性社会. The Summit provides an opportunity to discuss strategies, 框架, 以及可以付诸行动的项目,以加强机构和组织的氛围和文化.

    ACE峰会向任何努力成为包容性社区的机构或组织开放  这是有文化意识的, 面对偏见, 和 critically reflects on practices, 程序, 和 policies toward identifying 和 changing existing inequities.  ACE峰会将为机构和组织提供以公平和包容为基础的会议,并提供学习策略和工具,以解决我们作为一个民主国家和一个全球社区所面临的紧迫问题.  ACE峰会的与会者将带着发展一个认可的环境的战略离开, 导航, 弥合不平等的差距,创造机会加强多样性,使所有成员都能归属于一个更具包容性的机构或组织.

    社区与公平联盟峰会将为教育者之间的对话创造空间, 学生, 管理员, 政策制定者, 社区成员. 我们邀请文明和相互尊重的公开对话,促进支持多样性的思想和实践的自由交流, 股本, 包容, 和归属感. ACE将告知我们共同的责任和开发系统的承诺, 结构, 和 policies that are centered on building inclusive communities.

  2. Schedule-at-a-Glance


    7:45 a.m. – 8:15 a.m., 登记, Hoover Price Campus Center

    8:30 – 9:15 a.m., 全体, Kresge Dining Commons

    9:25 – 10:25 a.m., 会话1, Various Campus Locations

    10:35 – 11:35 a.m., 会话2, Various Campus Locations

    11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Luncheon, Kresge Dining Commons

    12:30 – 1:15 p.m., 主题, Kresge Dining Commons

    1:30 - 2:30 p.m., 会议3, Various Campus Locations

    2:30 p.m.,峰顶完成

  3. 全体

    Dr. 苏赛特·沃尔登·科尔

    Co-Founder 和 Team Lead, Social Responsibility Speaks, LLC

    Less Words, More Action – Cultivating Spaces of Belonging

    “We want people to feel like they belong.” These words are often shared; but how are you 和/or your group/team making meaning of them. 一次性的DEI或每月的庆祝活动已经不再奏效了. 意识到这一点可能会让你觉得在已经满满的盘子上又多了一份责任. 我们希望参与对话,讨论如何创造空间,让人们真正感受到自己的归属感. 必须“适应”空间. 从一个有意识的地方领导意味着拥抱文化谦逊,并认识到“为什么”公平和包容很重要. 从选择到协调, 本课程是为那些想要反思并带着切实可行的策略离开的人而设计的,这些策略可以让你在做决策时更加有意识, 编程, 和 overall ways you show up in spaces.

    Dr. 苏赛特·沃尔登·科尔(她/他们)是Social Responsibility Speaks, LLC的联合创始人和团队负责人. Dr. Suzette是一位全球教育家, 顾问, 和 coach having worked with audiences from across Europe, 亚洲, 太平洋, 和北美. Dr. Suzette works with educational institutions 和 corporate 和 non-profit organizations to address change management; organizational culture development; leadership; belonging, 股本, 包容, 和 diversity (BEID); 和 cultivating high performing teams with their leaders in transformational experiences.

    Dr. Suzette相信放大边缘化的声音,倾向于集体主义,以推进一个更公正的社会,并努力教育其他人也这样做. Dr. Suzette将讲故事的艺术与基于研究的内容融合在一起,以解决BEID的基本概念. 她认为,学过的东西可以忘记,特别是在致力于非殖民化的情况下. Dr. Suzette让那些和她在一起的人感到不舒服,并参与关怀的对话,以促进成长. She takes a direct approach in tackling tough topics. One of her signature phrases is “sugar-coated feces is still feces; the sugar doesn’t change the smell or taste;” 和 systems-change work can be messy 和 challenging. 在一天结束的时候. Suzette全心全意地认为,每个人都有做出选择的自由,同时认识到他们并不能摆脱这些选择的后果.

    Dr. 苏泽特·沃尔登·科尔大头照

  4. 主题

    Cenell Boch博士.D.

    Consultant/Owner of Wellness with Cenell, LLC

    Mindfulness of 多元化和包容性

    本课程将包括我们作为人类的生物反应如何受到历史的影响,以及如何在与不同背景的人交流时转变和开放我们的观点背后的科学. 我们将定义正念,以及正念如何在我们的社区中帮助改善沟通和建立有影响力的关系. 我们将讨论多样性, 股本, 包容, 和归属感(DEIB)以及有意识的同情心如何弥合差距,创造联系和新的归属感.

    将确定DEIB和正念两个世界之间的联系,以增强DEIB的观点和世界观. Specific examples of how to work with difficult thoughts, 情绪, 2024年及以后,我们将探索如何通过识别和创造空间来实现DEI正念同情.  整体, 会议将包括一个教育部分和一个引导的正念冥想练习,以及反思学习和见解的时间.

    Cenell Boch博士.D. specializes in mindfulness 和 leadership development; executive leadership development; health, 健康, 和 personal growth; 和 DEIB education 和 strategy. She holds a bachelor of science degree in sport medicine, master of science degree in exercise physiology, 和Ph值.D. 在健康科学方面. 她完成了她的博士工作,研究正念作为减少工作压力的工具,并为来自世界各地(欧洲和美国)的行政领导客户提供支持。. 她也是一名认证的正念冥想老师和有执照的认证运动教练.

    She brings 25+ years of experience as a leader, 顾问, 和 expert in the field of health sciences. 在与客户合作时,Cenell采用了一种用心的领导方式,帮助他们找到清晰的思路,并致力于实现目标的多个行动步骤, 梦想, 愿景, 和欲望. 她的正念教练风格包括注意力、意图和态度的核心原则.

    她在DEIB的社区和专业参与包括担任秘书和, 后来的副总统, of the Black Students Union at the Mount Union大学; being awarded the Martin Luther King Jr. Award for her work toward creating a more inclusive collegiate 和 community environment; advising 学生 of color 和 international 学生; serving as the chairperson for the Cross-Curricular Development Committee at the Mount Union大学; 和 attending multiple DEI training sessions offered through the YWCA Racial Awareness Program, 俄亥俄大学DEI办公室, 和 Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions DEI office. 最近, 从2020年到2023年,Cenell一直热心地担任兰开斯特费尔菲尔德县商会DEIB委员会的活跃成员和常驻主席. 

    Cenell has also facilitated DEIB education 和 strategy for leaders, 企业, 和 large organizations though Mindfulness in the Workplace seminars. 此外, she counts it a blessing to be the wife of her loving husb和 Wayne, mother of two sons Daniel 和 Richy; 和 stepmom to three charismatic adult children Lindsey, 威廉, 和萨曼莎.

    Cenell Boch博士.D. 头像

  5. 会话1

    NCAA Transgender Student-Athlete Participation


    Jean Merrill, Ed.D
    Director of Inclusion, National Collegiate Athletic Association

    Digging Deeper with Equity Audits: Uncovering Gender 和 Race Gaps, Seeking Student 和 Family Perceptions, 和 Making the Most of the Data You Already Collect

    Melissa Askren Edgehouse ' 99

    Christian Price M ' 24

    Principal, Saint Martin dePorres High School

    Alexa Matejka M ' 25
    Preschool Intervention Specialist, Riverside Local Schools


    Lecturer, Department of Communication, University of Dayton



    Assistant Professor of Spanish, University of Dayton


    Stephen Dages, 18岁
    Director, Hartville Migrant Ministry

    Circle of Underst和ing - Empowering Student Voice

    Director of Multicultural Services, Malone University

    Assistant Professor, Malone University

    You Can’t Impact Change Without YOUth


    A Deeper Dive on Intercultural Competence

    Dr. 卡拉•查普曼

  6. 会话2


    Director of the Regula Center, Mount Union大学



    Senior Associate Athletics Director, Kent State University

    但是我呢?? Exploring advocacy through our own identities

    Student Diversity 和 Equity Outreach Coordinator, Stark State College 

    Recognize Education 和 Learning (REAL)

    Assistant Professor, University of Akron 


    Culturally Sustaining Practices for Teaching about Native Americans

    Professor of Education, Mount Union大学

    Emalie Novotny, Sidney Rambo, 和 Jess Reese
    Students, Mount Union大学

    Partnership Coordinator, The Lippman School


    斯泰西米. Bacorn
    Executive Director, YWCA Alliance 

    Carefrontation: Engaging in the Art of Difficult Conversations

    Dr. 苏赛特·沃尔登·科尔
    Co-Founder 和 Team Lead, Social Responsibility Speaks, LLC



  7. 会议3

    英雄,恶棍,还是受害者? 找到自己的声音...运动后的生活

    L创始人.A.V.A. Athletics/Mental Health Specialist 和 Community Organizer

    Promoting 多元化和包容性 Through Course Content




    564, We All We Got: The Power of Friendship; A Journey Through the Bond of Three College Friends

    Dr. 安东尼·琼斯06年
    首席多元化官, Slippery Rock University

    Dr. 克里斯托弗·W. 布莱克06年

    Innovative Leader, Greater Charlotte Athletic Conference

    The Frederick Douglas Social Justice Method: Don’t Wait for Opportunities; Create Them!

    Student 和 Student-Athlete Communicator, LesterS和er.com/莱斯特·桑德斯 Limitless, Inc.

    促进多样性、公平性和包容性在Mount Union的护理项目

    Nursing Student, Mount Union大学

    The Black Church Sings for Freedom

    牧师. Dr. 象牙里昂
    Professor of Philosophy 和 Religious Studies, Mount Union大学


  1. 旅行

    The address for the Hoover-Price Campus Center is 420 W. 辛普森圣.美国俄亥俄州,44601. 建议游客从联合大道(183号公路)前往西辛普森街。. 会有指示牌指示你从联合大道向西转到辛普森街. 你可以通过几种方式到达联合大道,这取决于你出发的方向. Many highways bring you close to Alliance. Specific routes from major metropolitan areas are available on the 方向 page of the Mount Union website.

  2. 停车

    Please park in the Hoover-Price Campus Center Lot, 就在辛普森街胡佛-普莱斯校园中心的西面. This lot will be marked with special event parking signage. 你会发现这里已经满了吗, 额外的停车场可在国王大厅/麦克弗森学术和体育综合停车场位于哈特香街Kehres体育场以东. 校园保安将会帮助个人在这个停车场停车. A 校园地图停车地图 can be accessed on the Mount Union website.

  3. 登记

    注册将于早上7:45开始在胡佛-普莱斯校园中心进行.m. 标志将引导与会者从停车场到大楼的适当入口. Please use the northwest entrance of the facility.

  4. Both breakfast 和 lunch will be provided for summit attendees. Breakfast will be paired with the morning plenary session. Lunch will be followed by the keynote address. 这两场比赛都将在胡佛-普莱斯校园中心的克雷斯基公地举行.

  5. 分组会议

    There will be three breakout sessions, 每个都包括七到八个不同的演示文稿,供与会者选择. 三次会议的每次发言可容纳30至35名与会者. 请预览上面列出的各种分组会议演示选项. 我们建议您在每个会议中记录多个感兴趣的演示,以防您的首选达到容量. There is no pre-registration for breakout sessions.

  6. 项目

    周六将提供一个详细介绍所有演示文稿的节目. 推动联合山的可持续发展计划,并有效利用资源, a limited number of printed copies will be available. 参与者可以选择扫描注册时提供的QR码以访问程序的数字副本. The digital program is available now on this web page, located above